Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood Contemporary
Question: Discuss about the Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood Contemporary. Answer: Introduction: Anglicare Victoria is popularly known for Australias best child and family service care providers who have already occupied a predominant place in the realm of home care service industry. After observing the entire scenario of Australia, it has been observed that a large number of children are getting deprived of being taking a proper guidance and assistance from their family members due to the economic and social barriers. The primary mission and vision of this particular organization is to rescue those Victorian children and to guide them up for building their future career up to the age of 18. Anglicare Victoria primarily aims to promote social justice in the society of Australia with the help of which the deprived Victorian children can get necessary facilities and benefits. The report shows that Anglicare Victoria tends to protect 80,000 Victorians at every year (www.anglicarevic.org.au, 2016). The organizers intend to protect those people who are suffering in homelessness from their family members, child abuse and against woman domestic violence. This particular essay has provided an in-depth knowledge and understanding on how Anglicare Victoria should extend their practice beyond going 18 age group. Kinship care is another fastest growing out of home care organization of Australia that deals with the welfare of children. After collecting data regarding the child welfare and family development program of Kinship Care, it has been observed that this particular care center is taking an initiative with the assistance of government. The children who have been appointed under the home care center is guided up to the age of 21 (www.anglicarevic.org.au, 2016). In the age of 21 years, the young people would be able to choose the right path for building their career in future. This particular study has focused to evaluate critically on how Anglicare Victoria should deal with the ma tter of age extension. Some of the eminent scholars have also provided their different opinions on whether this organization has served well for the welfare of Victorian children and family of Australia. Background: Anglicare Victoria has been established as out of home care services that primarily aims to deal with the aboriginal people as well as tribal. It has been observed that a large number of children from aboriginal backgrounds cannot maintain their lifestyle like a normal child as they are deprived from the society. The economic background of the family members does not support those children for leading a successful life. As a result, those children have to keep themselves aloof from the society. Consequently, these innocent children have to face ruthless torture from the society (Bijker et al., 2012). The incidents of child labor and child abuse have been increased violently in the soil of Australia. In order to overcome this kind of situation, some of the foundations have been raised among which the name of Anglicare Victoria is the most prominent. This particular organization intends to save those children who are getting deprived from their society as well as from their family. Eco nomic barrier is one of the most important reasons due to which those innocent children have to face a disastrous lifestyle at their young age. In this kind of situation, Anglicare Victoria started an initiative with the eager assistance of government (www.anglicarevic.org.au, 2016). The organizational members decided to identify those children from various localities of Australia. The primary mission of those members is to provide a safe shelter to those children up to the age of 18. The organization aims to improve the daily lifestyle of those children who do not how to lead a successful and healthy life (Brinkmann, 2014). Self-determination is the primary vision that the organization like Anglicare Victoria tend to focus while grooming up an individual child. Camic, Gross Lamont (2012) opined that this particular organization has raised many opportunity not only for the children but also for the family members as well. Parenting advice, family counseling are one of the most effective ways with the help of which the organizational members can communicate with the parents directly. In many cases, the organizational members have observed that parents are having sufficient economic strength to provide a suitable life to their children. Due to the lack of culture and effective social background and guidance, the parents do not consider to make their children educated. As per the point of view of Clarke Fujimura (2014), it has been observed that case of family counseling or parental advice; more than 50% members have become successful in order to make the parents understand about the value of leading a successful life. Anglicare Victoria intends to show a ray of hope to more than 90,000 children in every year for leading a health and safe life (www.anglicarevic.org.au, 2016). In many cases, children get the opportunity to stay with the service providers due their homeliness. Children get the residence facilities up to the age of 18. The care takers of Anglicare Victoria never leaves the hand of a child until this particular individual reach the edge of adulthood. During this particular phase, the home care facilitators tend to provide necessary values and lessons to those children so that they cannot go back to the same days from where they have been pulled. Conte et al. (2012) opined that Anglicare Victoria had to face various questions from many of its contemporary fellows about the reliability of their services. Some of the eminent scholars have raised the question whether this particular organization is successfully able to make a perfect career counseling of an individual child during this per iod or not. As per their perception, 18 years is not sufficient for being self-determined and self-sufficient for a young fellow. Australia state and territory government is possessed with a statutory responsibility regarding the neglected children. They have come into the field in order to protect those neglected children from being abused and inhumanly tortured from any firm or society. The department of health and human service of Anglicare Victoria has taken an immediate action regarding this matter. As per the report of Australian Institute of Health and Human Services (30 June, 2014), Victoria ha rescued 7710 children all over Australia from both residential and non-residential. As per the point of view of Crane (2012), Anglicare Victoria had to face immense financial issues while taking care of the children effectively and maintaining their responsibility carefully. Providing a residence to a homeless child is not the responsibility of this home care center. The members tend to provide efficient guide or trainer to those children so that they can come back to the track of life. The organization tends to take the responsibility of their education as well. Various government and non-government organizations are the current sponsors of Anglicare Victoria (www.anglicarevic.org.au, 2016). Based on their sponsorship the organizational managers are successfully able to hire efficient trainers for grooming the children up. With the dynamic progress of international development, some of the schemes have been amended regarding childcare Dickens Fontana, 2015). It has been considered that providing a shelter to those homeless children for a home care organization up to the age of 18 is not sufficient for grooming an individual properly. Therefore, those home care centers should extend the time going up to the age of 21. As a result, the individual would be capable enough to make own decision after going outside the home care center. On the other hand, Eisenberg and Kleinman (2012) stated in an occasion that Anglicare Victoria needs to have sufficient internal resources in order to provide a secured residence to the children up to the age of 21 . From that perspective it can be evaluated that Anglicare Victoria needs to focus on increasing their financial and physical resources in order to extend the plan of business (Galegher, Kraut Egido, 2014). The current CEO Mr. McDonald has stated in an occasion that Anglicare Victoria likes to stand beside the young people as well from the age of 18 to 21 who have to face any kind of family breakdown, abuse and illness. McDonald opined in this context that but it falls well short of the most obvious, cost-effective and desperately-needed measure for these children, which is extending support for foster care, kinship care or residential from the age of 18 to 21. At the same time, this person has not denied that their organization had to face innumerable barriers on behalf of the government of Australia as well. McDonald stated in an occasion it is puzzling that the Government could ignore a reform that has been implemented in the US, Canada and Britain in recent years. Just a month ago, New Zealand extended out-of-home care support to age 21 and announced some support to age 25. After circulating the quotation of McDonalds, a large number of eminent scholars have expressed their point of views regarding the initiatives taken by Australian home care centers. Giddens (2013) stated that the Health and Human Service department of Victoria only take the responsibility of rehabilitating the children and to groom them up till the age of 18. As a result, it has been observed that a large number of teenagers have come back with the same lifestyle after going outside the home-care center. They have to join in a firm in the post of labor under the ruthless torture of an owner. Therefore, the ultimate mission of Anglicare Victoria of child rehabilitation goes in vain. However, Greco and Stenner (2013) has differed the opinion of former eminent scholar. This particular individual has mentioned that child rehabilitation is the broader mission with which the foundations like Anglicare Victoria are dealing. After providing an effective and continuous training to those homel ess children for several years, most of the teenagers become successful for getting the right track of life. Very few people have to go back to the same flow of life due to their family background. This particular essay has provided an in-depth understanding on how Anglicare Victoria is successful in fulfilling their mission of rehabilitating the homeless, abused and dominated children as well as the young people. After evaluating the background of this particular organization, it has been analyzed that Anglicare Victoria has become a shelter for many homeless children and their family as well (Habermas, 2015). Indigenous and tribal group are the primary focus for this particular foundation so that those kinds of people do not consider keeping themselves aloof from the society. Benefit to the children: The previous part has conducted a detailed overview about the primary mission and vision of Anglicare Victoria. The key mission of Victoria was to provide a shelter to those children who have to lead their life amidst intense suffering and deprivations (James Prout, 2015). However, this particular part has focused to provide a deep insight on how the children get necessary benefits and facilities after getting the continuous service process of Anglicare Victoria. The ways on how the children are intensely benefited and facilitated with the initiatives of Victoria are as follows: Education and employment: McDonald believes in the philosophy that education is one of most effective pathways with the help of which an individual gains the wisdom and knowledge in order to choose the right path for future. Kuper (2013) stated that the two overarching term knowledge and wisdom may complement each other; but at the same time the two concept differs from each others point of views. Knowledge is source of information that an individual is possessed with within. When knowledge is amalgamated with common sense and the level of comprehension, the notion of wisdom arises. Therefore, a person having endowed with immense knowledge may not have wisdom. Anglicare Victoria aims to provide education to the children in such a way that they become successful to make their right decision independently (Lynd, 2015). After going outside the homecare center, the child would be able to choose the right track to be employed with an association. After taking an effective training and guidance from the trainers of Anglicare Victoria, those teenagers would be successful to choose the right employment structure where their knowledge and skills would be utilized rather than their physical labor. Anglicare Victoria has rescued more than 7 thousand children from different areas of Australia in order to provide them a safe shelter (Parkin, 2013). Around 60% of those children belong to aboriginal group who had to face inhuman torture from some dominating owners. After the incredible raising of child labor in Australia, this particular non-government organization took an immediate action by rehabilitating those children and providing them a healthy lifestyle. Apart from indigenous people, some of the children had to face immense difficulties in order to survive their life with the family member due to poor social and economic background (Payne et al. 2014). The parents intended to impose their failure on the children. Consequently, an innocent and blameless child has to take the responsibility of earning bread and butter and set out for a strenuous job. Anglicare Victoria has extended their hand for those kinds of children whose family members are unable to provide a healthy lifestyle to their children (Podsakoff, MacKenzie Podsakoff, 2012). Therefore, Anglicare Victoria has decided to rehabilitate those children in order to improve their way of lifestyle. As per the instruction of Anglicare Victoria CEO, a professional trainer is hired who left immense contribution in order to groom up those children both from the perspective of their lifestyle as well as their mental growth and development. Mental health: As per the point of view of Portes (2014), after tolerating the inhuman dominance from both the crude firm owners as well as the family members the children become completely de-motivated to lead a healthy and normal lifestyle. As a result, they lose their confidence for leading a successful life. The primary agenda of the Anglicare Victoria was to identify the problem of those children individually. After identifying the individual issues, the service providers of this particular organization intend to make an effective communication with the children in order to make them relaxed and free from anxiety. After taking an effective collective decision with the organizational managers as well as the CEO McDonald, the service providers have arranged some important initiatives based on which the children would be free from their day-to-day stressful life. Along with maintaining an effective learning process at the workplace of the organization, the service providers like to arrange some fun games, an effective group discussion and essay or debate competition for getting the children relaxed from tedious and monotonous activities. Robinson, Shaver Wrightsman (2013) opined that children really enjoy the fun games and get the scope for re-gaining energies. Physical health: The key motive of Anglicare Victoria is taking special care of the physical health of these children of as well. In order to lead a healthy and successful life physical fitness is highly important. Anglicare Victoria likes to maintain some of the relevant acts and regulations at their workplace. Among those regulations, the importance of health and safety act is most prominent. Based on this particular regulation, the individual child can take any kind of legal action if this particular individual has to face any health issue. In addition, the children who have been kept under the constant control of Anglicare Victoria have been made a regular check by general physician. Benefit to the family: The agenda of Anglicare Victoria is highly beneficial for the family members as well. After conducting a critical evaluation of the entire study, it has been analyzed that family members of the victims would get benefits and facilities as Victoria has taken the responsibility of those children (Rossi, Wright Anderson, 2013). From two primary perspectives, the family members are benefited. Reducing family expenses: After taking the responsibilities of those children, a large number of aboriginal family members have become flexible in order to lead their daily life effectively. The parents do not have to bear expenses for their children. They do not have to pay education fees for their children also. As a result, the family members do not have to struggle immensely in order to lead their day-to-day life. As per the point of views of Sovacool (2014), people belonging from aboriginal group are not accustomed with maintaining a quality lifestyle. Therefore, the family members tend to impose their decision on their children for earning money. Poor economic background and culture are one of the most effective reasons of such a disastrous consequence on the fate of children. The agenda of Anglicare Victoria was to identify those families who are facing with intense economic issues due to which their children have to be victimized. In order to reduce the economic barriers, this particular organization aims to take the responsibility of children by providing them a healthy and disciplined lifestyle. As a result, the parents get free of bearing the financial expenses of their children (Swedberg, 2012). Moreover, the parents become satisfied whenever they behold their children of leading a healthy life style. Therefore, Anglicare Victoria has become beneficial for the development of family as well. Society development: Providing a positive community environment is one of the most effective missions and visions of Anglicare Victoria. This particular foundation tends to take the responsibility of those who are backward in both culturally and socially. Parent counseling is the most effective strategy that the service providers tend to use while running their organization. By making an effective communication with every individual parent, the organizational members tend to convince the value of education and healthy life (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). That was one of the most important reasons of convincing the parents so that the parents can allow their children for future growth. One of the most positive aspects of Anglicare Victoria is that people from various religious and cultural backgrounds are treated with equal respect and dignity. The report shows that around 40,000 families get benefits by the continuous counseling process of this particular organization (Weisz, 2012). While conducting the practice it has been observed that a large number of family members are intensely addicted with drug, alcohol, illness even on violence. Women of these families have to be tortured inhumanly and violently sometimes. As a result, children start to feel in-secured to survive amidst this chaotic situation. The primary responsibility of Anglicare Victoria was to convince those parents from running away from these kinds of addiction and to lead a healthy life. Anglicare Victoria has received the recognition of being one of the leading agencies in terms of family services. Most of the indigenous group tends to keep themselves aloof from the society due their linguistic and racial barriers (Victoria, 2016). After conducting an effective counseling, the people have become motivated for leading a successful life. The parents have started to encourage their children for building their career by taking an assistance of non-profit organizations such as Anglicare Victoria. As a result, the ray of education has entered into the community of aboriginal group (Weber, 2015). The perception of every individual has been changed. The community as a result, has rendered a better environment where people tend to support progressive lifestyle filled with hope and education. Conclusion: The primary mission and vision of Anglicare Victoria has been extensively highlighted and evaluated throughout the entire study. Anglicare Victoria is the agency that primarily aims to provide a healthy and improved lifestyle to the children who are suffering from intense abuse, hatred and dominance. The service providers tend to rescue the homeless children as well by giving a safe shelter and residence. This particular essay has provided an in-depth overview on how Anglicare Victoria is successful to deal with those children of various cultures and backgrounds and to provide them a healthy life. However, after evaluating the entire study some of the major recommendations can be provided to the organization. Before extending the age group from 18 to 21 the organization should increase their internal resources. The organizational infrastructure should be increased so that the organization can provide opportunities for more children. In order to render better accommodation, the financ ial growth of the organization is highly important. While conducting the parent counseling the volunteers had to face immense linguistic barriers in order to make an effective communication. Therefore, service providers need proper training and efficiency based on which they would be able to communicate with the people of various cultures and backgrounds. Linguistic barriers should never come between the service providers and service users. The service providers should be comfortable with the both verbal and non-verbal communication so that people from different backgrounds can be treated with equal respect and dignity. The organization should keep a constant data on those teenagers who left the organization after the age of 18. The few people who had come back to the flow of disastrous life again should be assisted with proper equipment and co-operation for leading a successful and healthy life. 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