Monday, May 25, 2020

Great Civil Rights Leaders - 538 Words

When the subject of civil rights comes up, there are a few significant names that come to mind: Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. These individuals are widely recognized for their public acts to strive toward the equality of all mankind. One man who can be included in this list of great civil rights leaders is Nelson Mandela. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born into the Madiba clan on July 18th, 1918. As the son of a king, he was recognized as a â€Å"royal† In his clan; however, his mother was a member of the Ixhiba clan (sometimes known as the â€Å"left hand house†), which consequently made him ineligible to inherit a position of power. He was the first of his family to ever possess formal education. On his first day of school, he was given the name Nelson. This was his english title. â€Å"That day† Mandela stated in an interview, â€Å"Miss Mdingane told me that my new name was Nelson. Why this particular name I have no idea† (â⠂¬Å"Nelson Mandela†, Wikipedia). After his basic schooling was completed he enrolled at Fort Hare University (which is located on the tip of south Africa). He studied diligently in the subject of law until he was expelled for taking part in a student uprising on apartheid. On his return trip back to the capitol, the king became enraged about his involvement in the uprising, so Mandela ran away to Johannesburg and hid there successfully. He was elected to the African National Congress in 1944, and greatly aided in passingShow MoreRelatedThe Great Leaders Of The Civil Rights Movement1563 Words   |  7 Pagesas those that were seen as the big leaders. For example, in the American Revolution, the people that usually come to mind are George Washington, Paul Revere, and Thomas Jefferson. What about the people who were injured, scared and killed because of this bloody war? They seem to be forgotten until they are highlighted once again. 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