Thursday, May 14, 2020

How did the New Deal Assist Recovery from the Great...

A. Plan of investigation: To what extent did the New deal programs and progressive reform help the United States economy recover from the world wide Great Depression ? Thesis: The New deals legislation has played a very integral part in helping recovery effort during the great depression because it led to a greater employment, and restored the security in the American economy. Although not perfect, the new deal success ultimately set the precedent for future progressive reform during times of economic depression and recession. B. Summary of Evidence: 1920s American Economy: †¢ The 1920s were a flourishing time for the Capitalistic world. †¢ Most Americans discarded progressive candidates in support of conservatives who believed in a traditional Laissez Faire economy. Future democrat president Franklin Roosevelt predicted they could not hope to return to power until the Republicans led the nation to a serious period of depression and unemployment. (Kennedy). †¢ Laissez Faire economics allowed business to thrive †¢ Farmers recession was happening in America †¢ The GNP of the US grew 2.7% a year from 1921-1929. Near to full employment. US exports, and investments were also at all time highs at the time. The DJIA quadrupled in the period, people and banks believed that the stocks would never crash (Smiley). The crash: †¢ The US stock market crashed on October 24, the DJIA dropped 21%, and it crashed even worse 5 days later TuesdayShow MoreRelatedThe New Deal : The United States And The American People1190 Words   |  5 PagesThe New Deal The 1930’s was a decade filled with economic crisis, a loss of prosperity and crucial challenges that have called for problematic times in American history. The Great Depression, which started in 1929 and ended in the early 1940’s, was a relentless global economic collapse that had numerous catastrophic effects on American society. 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ToRead Moreap us history dbq1672 Words   |  7 Pagesstatements are true about Herbert Hoover’s responses to the Great Depression EXCEPT: B.:-) He saw the Depression as akin to an act of nature, about which nothing could be done except to ride it out. 2.Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program attempted or achieved all of the following EXCEPT C.:-) supported the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. 3.The â€Å"New Immigration† was made up primarily of D.:-) persons from Southern and Eastern Europe. 4.By â€Å"normalcy† PresidentRead MoreFDR’s Alphabet Soup1364 Words   |  6 Pagesto be done regarding the relief and recovery of the Great Depression. This was one of the more important objectives of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first term as president. 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